
Engineering Reflections

10 quick lessons from Michael Belding

By balki | February 9, 2017 | 0 Comment

Last night at our meetup, we had Mike Belding as our special guest.  And here’s the top 10 takeaways we learned from his experience leading engineering teams at Shiftwise.
  1. Learned about leadership, why you got it into and enabling others to succeed
  2. Life-long learning organization – as a new code school graduate, this is heartening to hear that you and your organization support that
  3. Being ok with changing business needs and adapting to that; while working hard to keep the core values of learning, accountability, and collaboration
  4. Excitement about PostgresSQL and hesitance to adopt dockers/container full-on
  5. You give me hope by mentioning your problem of visibility for Shiftwise; it gives me hope that there are other companies that will be a good match for my needs and I just need to search harder
  6. Your leadership philosophy of not pushing your agenda onto others but empowering them to be successful on their own
  7. Starting with why – how you make sure there is a vision for every project you start at Shiftwise
  8. I am going to move up the Michael Lewis “Undoing project” up on my reading list after hearing you talk about it
  9. I’ve always wanted to work for small companies so I could influence; its good to know that is possible even at larger companies like ShiftWise
  10. It is great to admit that you OK with attrition as your team grew and the needs evolved; to let go of key people who are awesome but not aligned with the needs is commendable.

Image courtesy of Aaron Burden at www.unsplash.com